You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

The AQ_GetHeaders service can be used to map one or more HTTP headers from the session and place them in specified attributes in the profile.


HeadersSpecify the technical header and the attribute to which the value is transferred.Multivalued - Key value pair - Module element - AttributeYes

Do not pass any values that are (database) id's, privacy sensitive data or otherwise possibly harmful data as those values are visible to users and can be changed by users.

To be able to map HTTP headers to your profile, two steps are required:

  1. Model a service call of type AQ_GetHeaders and specify in it which headers need to be mapped to which attribute,
  2. Configure your runtime as described in Custom HTTP headers setup.

Example AQ_GetHeaders service

Exit events




OKWhen the AQ_GetHeaders service executed successfully.Continue
MappingFailureWhen at least one of the requested headers was not available in the session. The header(s) that were not available can be found as a warning in the log file.Continue
NothingToMapThe operation had no effect, because no headers were saved in the session.Cancel