You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

This type of service is used to retrieve case information.


Case id

All case information of the specified case id is retrieved. If this parameter is not specified, the id of the active case is used.



NameSpecify the attribute in which the retrieved name of the case should be entered.AttributeNo
Display nameSpecify the attribute in which the retrieved display name of the case should be entered.AttributeNo
Creation dateSpecify the attribute in which the retrieved creation date of the case should be entered.Attribute


StatusSpecify the attribute in which the retrieved status of the case should be entered.AttributeNo
Configuration moduleSpecify the configuration module that should be used.ModuleNo
MappingSpecify which mapping should be used.MappingNo

The display name is a multilingual value, for that reason it can not be displayed using an attribute. It can be showed using a content item. When placed in an attribute the name will be displayed.