You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 16.x release.

Table of contents

Gateway Service Security Configuration

Starting the 0.3.0 of Gateway Service we have added additional configuration to enrich the security measures of the Gateway Service. In this release we have added the following properties and they are mandatory, when they are not configured the Gateway Service will fail to start.

        - http://localhost:20000/**
        - http://localhost:20000/**

In this release we have added the and These properties follow ant path matching to validate if a given redirect URI when logging into or out of the Gateway Service.

SOAP and REST clients/webservices

SOAP and REST clients and webservices which use a service definition from the entry-point module and  specify a data mapping have been changed to use two distinct profiles instead of sharing a single profile. This results in more predictable behavior of the configured data mapping, as it avoids executing a data mapping across the same profile. 

The prior behavior can be temporarily reverted to using the blueriq.legacy.mapping-to-same-module legacy property. This mode will be removed in Blueriq 17.

Audit Component - Removal of Logback (Runtime and Case Engine)

The Audit Component would previously rely on Logback to publish audit events to a queue, file or console. With this release, Logback has been removed for the audit component and now Rabbitmq is used to publish audit messages. This means that the configuration changes partly.
# unchanged properties
blueriq.audit.domain.entity=<a entity>
blueriq.audit.domain.processNameAttribute=<a processname attribute>
blueriq.audit.domain.caseIdAttribute=<a case id attribute>
blueriq.audit.domain.taskIdAttribute=< a task id attribute>
blueriq.audit.domain.taskNameAttribute=<a task name attribute>

#removed property
blueriq.audit.logging.config=<location to the logback configuration file>

# new properties to add
blueriq.audit.rabbitmq.exchangeName=<the exchange name where to publish audit messages to><the host of rabbitmq>
blueriq.audit.rabbitmq.port=< the port of rabbitmq>
blueriq.audit.rabbitmq.username=<a rabbitmq user>
blueriq.audit.rabbitmq.password=<a password>
blueriq.audit.rabbitmq.virtualHost=<the virtual host of rabbitmq>
blueriq.audit.rabbitmq.ssl.enabled=<a boolean that enables or disables ssl>

for more information, see Audit component

Metamodel Generator Maven Plugin

The metamodel generator Maven plugin configuration properties have been updated:

Old PropertyNew Property

Known issues

Known issue: Cannot login to Encore after update to Blueriq 16.8.0 or higher

For an overview of all known issues please refer to: Known issues.