You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

The term collation refers to a set of rules that determine how (text) data is sorted and compared. Most databases support many different collations, each having their own effect how data is sorted and compared. This can in turn have an effect on functionality (such as case insensitive searching) or even performance. For that reason Blueriq supports only one specific collation for each supported database.

Most databases have a default collation, which is also the one that is supported by Blueriq. PostgreSQL is different, because the collation that is used depends on the collation of the operating system on which you install the database. As a result of this, the collation that is chosen for one installation of PostgreSQL may differ from another installation of the same PostgreSQL binary on another operating system. That is why for PostgreSQL you need to specify the 'und-x-icu' collation for your database. This is the most reasonable language agnostic collation. Blueriq supports only this collation for PostgreSQL.

  • No labels