You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Outbox pattern

The outbox poller is part of the outbox pattern, see Getting started with Case Modelling for more information on the outbox/inbox pattern.

The outbox poller processes messages which are not being processed at the end of a transaction or failed to be sent initially and would otherwise remain in the outbox forever. The outbox poller reads from the outbox table(s) every 2 minutes by default.

Scheduling it say once a day, which makes sure that the execution time of the process will not exceed the interval, will lead to other problems as customers expect updates on cases which don't happen. However, scheduling it every second will lead to the execution time of the publisher being longer than the interval which eventually will crash the application. A warning message will be shown in the log if the interval is exceeded and processing will be started again from that time plus the interval. If this message is printed regularly, consider changing the interval.

Starting from version 16.7, the property can be used to update the interval. The value is of type Duration and default value is 2M. See Duration for the different value options.
