You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

DCM Widget flows are used when creating a DCM Dashboard application. A widget flow represents a single widget in a DCM Dashboard page. 

When selecting the flow type DcmWidget, a new tab with the name DCM Widget appears in the properties panel. In this tab you can define a mapping between the incoming request parameters from the Dashboard application and the profile which is used in the flow. The parameter mapping works the same as the AQ_GetRequestParameters service call. Specific to this flow type it will always be executed after the flow has been started, but before the first node in the flow has been executed.

Exposed state

By default DCM Widget flows are always exposed.

Flow nodes

The DCM Widget flow introduces a new type of node DCM widget event node. This node is a replacement for the existing exit and end nodes, as they cannot be modelled in a DCM Widget flow. Widgets can only end when transitioning to a new DCM Dashboard page. The concept of a widget is that it is a self contained page section which are regarded in the same way as a how a normal exposed flow would act.

For example a timeline widget only displays information and may contain an action which refreshes the state of the timeline, other than that it should never end up in an exit or end state. In case of a task list widget, there is an action: as the result of a user selecting a task to be started. In this scenario you would connect the event coming from the task list container to a DCM widget event node. After the event node has been processed, a new change event will be send from the widget flow on which the DCM Dashboard will act.  

Nested DCM Widget flows are not supported.

Use of all other model constructions that create other/new sessions within the DCM Widget flow are not supported. (No AQ_StartProject services, etc..)

Further reading

Blueriq DCM Dashboard