You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Corresponding with release


This library contains all elements for basic Blueriq modelling.

Changes in this version:

  • removed servicetype AQ_AssignTask
  • removed servicetype AQ_Document_Generate
  • removed servicetype AQ_Document_Renderer
  • removed servicetype AQ_ExecuteTask
  • removed servicetype AQ_GetCaseInfo
  • removed servicetype AQ_GetTaskInfo
  • removed servicetype AQ_NextTasksForCase
  • removed servicetype AQ_NextTasksForMessageEvent
  • removed servicetype AQ_TaskStatus
  • removed servicetype AQ_ThrowMessageEvent
  • removed containertype AQ_CaseList
  • removed containertype AQ_DocumentLink
  • removed containertype AQ_Statistic_Aggregate
  • removed containertype AQ_Statistic_Process
  • removed containertype AQ_Worklist
  • removed processtype Process
  • removed contentstyle breadcrumbcontainer
  • removed contentstyle formfooter
  • removed contentstyle highlighted
  • removed contentstyle instance_iterator
  • removed contentstyle instance_selector
  • removed contentstyle menubar
  • removed contentstyle tabs
  • removed presentation style align_right
  • removed presentation style Animate
  • removed presentation style bar
  • removed presentation style button_link
  • removed presentation style button_primary
  • removed presentation style Danger
  • removed presentation style Disabled
  • removed presentation style doughnut
  • removed presentation style filetype
  • removed presentation style icon_book
  • removed presentation style icon_briefcase
  • removed presentation style icon_download
  • removed presentation style icon_pencil
  • removed presentation style icon_phone
  • removed presentation style icon_plus
  • removed presentation style icon_remove
  • removed presentation style icon_remove_circle
  • removed presentation style icon_time
  • removed presentation style Info
  • removed presentation style line
  • removed presentation style only_icon
  • removed presentation style options_horizontal
  • removed presentation style options_vertical
  • removed presentation style pie
  • removed presentation style polar
  • removed presentation style Primary
  • removed presentation style radar
  • removed presentation style styled
  • removed presentation style Success
  • removed presentation style text_danger
  • removed presentation style text_info
  • removed presentation style text_label
  • removed presentation style text_success
  • removed presentation style text_warn
  • removed presentation style TextEmphasis
  • removed presentation style TextEmphasisIntense
  • removed presentation style TextEmphasisSubtle
  • removed presentation style ValueListSearch
  • removed presentation style Warning

  • No labels