You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






Audit Consumer, BMA, Customer Data Service, DCM Dashboard, DCM Lists Service, Gateway, Maintenance App, Publisher

Components contained CVE-2024-22233 on spring-core version 6.0.14

Components have upgraded spring-boot version to 3.1.8 which increases spring-core version to 6.0.16


Audit Consumer

Components contain CVE-2023-48795 on sshd-osgi version 2.10.0

Components have upgraded sshd-osgi version to 2.12.0


DCM Dashboard, JAVA Runtime, Publisher

Components contained CVE-2023-51074 on json-path version 2.8.0

Components have upgraded json-path version to 2.9.0



There were inconsistencies when working with builtin entities in the quick test panel

It is now possible to fully manage instances of builtin entities, but it is not allowed to use them as a target instance when sourcing an attribute



Opening two sessions (including external flow sessions) simultaneously could cause one session to become unavailable if the sessions were created in individual HTTP sessions, each with their own cookie. The last cookie to be received would win, causing the first session to no longer be reachable.

The `@blueriq/angular` NPM package now ensures that sessions on the same host are started sequentially. A custom frontend needs to be updated to 0.17.6 or later to benefit from this change.


Java Runtime

Contrary to manual tasks, when an automatic task is cancelled, the data mapping is still executed.

Just like manual tasks, when an automatic task is cancelled, no data mapping is executed.

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