You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

1. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics

2. Upgrade Instructions

See Release 16.11.2 Upgrade Instructions for the upgrade instructions for this release.

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your spring.config.additional-location directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.

3. Artifacts

The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service 4.5.4
DCM Lists Service 3.1.4
Material Theme 1.3.3
Development tools frontend 1.7.0
DCM Maintenance App 4.1.6
Audit Consumer 0.5.5
DCM Dashboard Service


Gateway Service 0.4.6
Document Renderer 2.2.0

4. Libraries

For this release there are no specific Library updates.

5. Blueriq Libraries

The Blueriq Library has been updated, see below what has changed:

6. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

7. Bug fixes






Java Runtime

The DCM_GetTaskInfo had a custom made screen for custom fields which was not migrated when we moved from Studio to Encore.

We have removed the custom screen in favor of a multivalued, key/value parameter for custom fields. Please update to the new case modeling library version to be able to use this feature.


Document Renderer

When a document link is clicked, an error occurs instead of the document being rendered and shown/downloaded

The document engine used when navigating from the document link container did not contain the correct context, which was required for generating the document. This has been corrected.



When creating an attribute from the entity editor, the data type could not be preceded by whitespace.

Whitespace is now ignored when extracting the data type for the attribute to create.


Java Runtime

The AQ_File_Move service always assumed the permanent persistence level for the target connection.

Introduced a Persistence parameter that controls the persistence level for the target connection.


Java Runtime

When logging out with a tenant and then logging in with a different tenant would let the runtime crash in multitenancy mode.

At the end of each request the current tenant gets cleared making it possible to login with a different tenant after logging out with a tenant.


Java Runtime

Sending a multivalued date attribute in a BAARS results in a parsing error.

Multi valued date attributes can now be received again when using a BAARS



The data mapping editor would not remember several scroll positions.

Scroll positions of panels in the data mapping editor are now restored as expected.



A node in the flow editor could not always be deleted using the delete key.

The delete key now always deletes the selected flow node.

8. Known issues

The AQ_DocumentLink container does not work in this version. We're aware of the issue and working on a solution.

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues