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The service AQ_File_GetMetaData is able to retrieve some predefined meta data and unlimited custom meta data, given a connection and a file id.


ConnectionSpecify the name of the connection.InputStringTrue
FileIdSpecify the file id of which the meta data should be retrieved.InputAttributeTrue
NameThe returned file name will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
TypeThe returned file type will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
SizeThe returned file size will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
CreatedByThe returned user that created the file will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
CreationDateThe returned file creation date will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
LastUpdatedByThe returned user that updated the file as last will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
LastUpdatedThe returned date of the last update action will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
CaseIdThe returned case id will be stored in the specified attribute.OutputAttribute
CustomMetaDataSpecify custom meta data fields. The first column is the key (name that is used internally)
and the second column specifies in which attribute the result is stored.
OutputMultivalued key-value pairs

The Unauthorized exit is triggered when the user does not have one of the roles that is set on the Service call type: AQ_Document_Generate or on the Container type: AQ_File_Upload.