You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 15.x release.

Table of contents

Trace and Timeline SQL Store

The instructions are necessary when the Trace and/or timeline is configured to consume from a queue.

Since this version we use the republish message recoverer for events that are consumed using the Trace or Timeline SQL store components. If those components are enabled, you have to create a new exchange and queue for each component were messages are being send when there is an error. The name of the dead-letter exchange is the same as the name of the normal exchange, prefixed with "dlx.".

For example, if your trace queue is named "traceEvents" you should create a fanout exchange named "dlx.traceEvents" and a corresponding queue where the messages will be added to for example "traceDlq". Also we need to add binding between the "dlx.traceEvents" dead-letter exchange and the "traceDlq" queue.

Repeat this process for the Timeline.

DCM 2.0 Upgrade instructions

For DCM 2.0 the following changes are required when upgrading. As this is a BETA release, it's important to re-import the RabbitMQ definitions and recreate the database from the supplied database scripts.

Audit consumer

The change mentioned above for the Trace and Timeline SQL Store is also present for the Audit consumer. However, because the Audit consumer works in a slightly different way, we have to specify the dead-letter-exchange in the configuration as well. An example of the property is show on the Audit Consumer documentation page.

Configure DCM Lists publisher

The DCM Lists publisher is no longer a separate component, but part of the case engine. This means that it is enabled once the case-engine profile is enabled. As a consequence, the dcm-lists-publisher profile is no longer used. This profile can be removed from the of the case engine installation. This also results in the  no longer being read from the configuration folder. The same configuration properties still apply, but now they need to be part of the

Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues.

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