You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Table of contents

For a visualization of most concepts described in this chapter, see

Repository structure


A package is a distributable unit that can contain library projects and projects. When you create a package, its configuration, i.e. name and content, can be saved in Blueriq Studio. A project or library project can be part of more than one package.When you import a package, you can choose which content to unpack in your repository. The imported package will not be stored.

Create and export a package

To create a package:

  1. In the workspace screen navigate to the Packages overview.
  2. Click New package in the ribbon’s tab Package.
  3. Fill out the fields Name, Functional name and Description.
  4. Add library projects by clicking on the drop-down box  and select the desired library project.
  5. Add projects in the same way.
  6. Save package.

Note: You can add both internal and external library projects to a package. After import of the package, however, all library projects will be external.

To export a package:

  1. Select the package in the Package overview.
  2. Click on Export package in the ribbon’s tab Package.
  3. Click on the Download link and save the package.

Import a package

To import a package:

  1. Open the branch you want to import the package’s content to.
  2. Go to File > Import > Import library or package.
  3. Click on Browse.
  4. Locate the package on the server or on your local computer and Open.
  5. Deselect items you don’t want to import.
  6. Rename items if needed.
  7. Click on Import.

Note: Only packages with content are valid. An empty package will result in an error. 

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