You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


The process editor offers the possibility to create a process using a set of different process components (tasks, nodes and gateways). With the use of process events it is possible to connect these parts to create a process in sequence. The Blueriq platform supports adhoc tasks and sub processes as well.

Every node in the model can be given a name. This field has been renamed to 'persistency id' . Before this version this is random generated unique identifier, and from this version on they are given a more functional name. With this name you can ensure the persistency of your running cases.

For example: In version 1 of your application you have modelled 2 tasks, A and B. You want to update your application with a new process structure for version 2. You delete Task B, because it is no longer needed, and added Task C as a replacement. Of course, you want that all cases which are already running can be handled by the new version. This is what the persistency id is for. Task A has not been changed, and the persistency ID is the same. This means that all cases with Task A open, will also have Task A open in the new version. But you also want that all old cases which have Task B open now are migrated to cases which have task C open. This can be done by choosing the same persistency ID for Task C than for Task B. If Task C is given a new persistency id, then the old cases are generating an error when trying to open Task B, which does not exist anymore.

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