You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

External flows are a flows that can be started via a Container type: AQ_ExternalFlow container, which can be part of a different Blueriq Application.

The data transfer between the container and the external flow is done via an intermediary profile, which is defined in a Contract module by creating entities, attributes, relations and value lists. 

The communication between the container  and the external flow is done via the events which are defined in the Contract, and these events should be mapped both in the container and the flow.

When selecting the flow type External , a new tab with name External flow appears. In this tab you can define the following : 

  • Data mapping (1) : this mapping is used to map the domain of the contract module to the domain of the current module. Therefore, the mapping you are selecting should have the contract module as the source and the current module as the target, otherwise you will get a validation error.  
  • Contract (2) : the contract that the external flow should implement. Upon selecting the contract, events which are defined in the contract (if any) (3) , will be displayed in a list. All the events from the contract should be mapped to a named exit event (4) of the flow you are modelling, otherwise you will get a validation error. 

Here, an example : 

  1. Data mapping 
  2. Contract 
  3. Contract events
  4. Named exit events from the flow

Further reading