You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







CVE-2022-42003 was detected in jackson-databind 2.13.4

Fixed upgrading to


CVE-2022-42004 was discovered for jackson-databind prior to version 2.13.4. For Runtime 15.x, spring-framework has been updated to the latest version where this issue is fixed.

Updated jackson-databind to 2.13.4


If your application is using SSO logout together with Keycloak 18 or later, the application needs to supply the id_token_hint parameter at logout to be able to logout the user without confirmation. However in the previous version the ID token obtained by retrieving a token using the service account was used.

We now use the ID token retrieved while logging in the user.

CSD-4351EncoreCreating an attribute from the entity editor does not accept the "datetime" data typeThe datetime data type can now be used again when creating an attribute from the entity editor.


A unit test could not be saved if it contained a profile which declares two instances with the same name

Duplicate instance names are no longer supported in test profiles. Unit tests containing duplicate instance names can now be saved, but a validation error will be reported



When reading an aggregate which contains a user-set unknown multi-valued attribute, the attribute becomes system-set. 

This issue has been resolved, stored user-set unknown attributes are still user-set unknown when reading the aggregate, regardless if it it is multi-valued or single-valued



When the pinned side panel was closed, it would lock up most of Encore, by keeping its pinned state

When the pinned panel is closed by using the close button, it is automatically unpinned

BQ-17332EncoreThe CONCAT and SECONDS functions could no longer be used in the expression editor and would report validation errorsThe definition of these functions have been restored


If running behind a reverse proxy server, in the development dashboard, some webservice links would not be rewritten to match the proxy server configuration, but they would display the internal URL structure.

This has been fixed.



When a relation would be set to a singleton instance of a multiton base entity, an exception would be thrown.

Setting a relation to a singleton instance of a multiton base entity will no longer cause an exception to be thrown.

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