You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







Keycloak log was not written to a file

Default Keycloak configuration has been updated to write the log to a file


JAVA Runtime

In very specific cases, a CircularReasoningException could occur while handling REST message headers.

Fixed the issue causing the CircularReasoningException.

CSD-4294, CSD-4264

JAVA Runtime

When a request would be blocked by the XSS request body validation, nothing would be logged.

Added error logging when a request is blocked by the XSS request body validation.


Keycloak for authentication for Studio/Encore was only accessible from the server on which Studio and Keycloak was installed.

Configuration set by the installer for Keycloak and IIS has been changed to make Keycloak accessible via the public hostname (both http and https). Beware that when upgrading from a previous minor, this configuration may not be overwritten.


The DCM_CaseList was not showing the filter button and pagination.

Changed the ContentStyle of the footer and header in DCM_CaseList from:"listplusfooter" to "listplus_footer" and "LISTPLUS_HEADER" to "listplus_header" to make it inline with other lists.


The DCM_CaseList did not show any cases.

We've removed the status filter from the codebase as the status is not available in the DCM_CaseList anymore.

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