You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

1. New

1.1. Blueriq Encore

In each minor release, Blueriq Encore becomes more and more feature complete with respect to Blueriq Studio. An overview of the progress can be found here. In this minor we've added the possibility to model multiple languages.

On this page:

2. Enhancements

Execute unit tests using the Management Service for a particular revision

Introduced the ExecuteUnitTestsForRevision and ExecuteAllUnitTestsForRevision operations in the Management Service, to allow running the unit tests of a committed revision.

Start shortcuts with a Test Path

It is now possible to pass a Test Path when starting a shortcut in development mode:


Support for receiving DateTime with TimeZones for Rest services (both client as BAARS)

The Soap serviceclient and BAAS already supported receiving a Datetime with a timezone like "2010-05-01T12:00:00+05:00". We implemented the same conversion for the Rest service client and BAARS. Because Blueriq itself doesn't support timezones, a conversion will be made to the local (server) timezone.
For example : 

2012-05-05T12:00:00Z will be converted to 2012-05-05T14:00:00 when the server timezone is Amsterdam. (+1 and during summertime it is +2 which is the case in this example).

3. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

4. Upgrade Instructions

There are no specific upgrade instructions for this release.

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your spring.config.additional-location directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.

5. Artifacts

 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service4.0.2
DCM Lists Service2.1.4
Material Theme1.0.47
Development tools frontend1.1.3

6. Aquima Libraries

There are no specific Library updates for this release.

7. Libraries

In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.




Version in 15.1.1

Version in 15.2



Apache License 2.0



8. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

9. Bug fixes






JAVA Runtime

CVE-2022-30973 detected in Apache Tika

Upgraded to Apache Tika 1.28.3

CSD-4138Blueriq EncoreDecisiontables with inherited attributes only showed the base entity in Encore.This has been fixed.


Blueriq Studio

An error occurs when creating a branch with the same name as a tag

A branch with the same name as a tag can now be created as expected


JAVA Runtime

When an external flow was called from with different contracts/contract versions on host and target runtime, the mapping from this contract could not be performed. But instead of throwing an exception, the external flow was started without the mapping being carried out.

If a mapping cannot be performed due to inconsistent contracts, throw an exception so the external flow is aborted.


JAVA Runtime

Sending an invalid valuelist value to a BAARS resulted in a 500 http status code, which should be a 400 status code

When sending an invalid valuelist value to a BAARS it will now send a 400 http status code, with a message that contains the invalid field.


JAVA Runtime

The password presentation style that was supported (on String attributes) for the MVC front-end is not working in the Angular front-end

A new presentation style Password (mind the capital P) has been added for the Angular front-end


Blueriq Studio

Importing a branch/library/package export may result in modifications to text item nodes, where newlines have been dropped

The various exports are now imported without whitespace normalization to ensure that model data is treated the same after an export/import cycle

BQ-16138JAVA RuntimeIn DCM 2.0, when an error occurred when starting an automatic task, an error would be thrown.This has been fixed.

10. Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues