You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







The scroll position of navigation menus was not remembered once the navigation menu had been closed.

Opening the navigation menu now restores the scroll position according to the previous time the navigation menu was open.



An expression editor that is not initially visible, e.g. when it is shown in a tab that isn't open when opening an editor, and has validation errors/warnings would remain invisible until the window is resized. This occurred only when using Chrome, using Firefox behaved as expected.

The expression editor now properly resizes itself when becoming visible, such that the expression is shown without needing to resize the window.



The AQ_File_Move service always assumed the permanent persistence level for the target connection.

Introduced a Persistence parameter that controls the persistence level for the target connection.


Java Runtime

When using blueriq.legacy.legacy-rest-validation, an exception is thrown if a value is invalid according to the field validations.

The REST service client will now fail with the field validation's message instead of failing with an unexpected exception. To fully disable including field validations for REST responses, the new legacy toggle blueriq.legacy.legacy-rest-response-validation has been introduced that needs to be enabled in addition to .blueriq.legacy.legacy-rest-validation



When getting hibernate properties for the sql stores, we would iterate multiple times over all available properties to filter out hibernate properties.

Fixed this by checking if a property is relevant and immediatelly processing it.

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