You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







Vulnerability CVE-201230-24998 was reported for apache.commons-fileupload-1.4.jar

Fixed the vulnerability by upgrading apache.commons-fileupload to version 1.5.



When a user is logged in and clicks the logout button, the user is not logged out.

The logout action did remove the user's authentication, but this change was not correctly persisted, keeping the user logged in on following requests. This is now corrected.


Studio Client & Encore

Deleting an element related to a merge conflict could cause an error in the client after a server restart

The client no longer gives an error in these case, but works as expected



Newly created processes in Encore would not have a persistency ID preconfigured for start and end node

A persistency ID is now automatically generated for the start and end node


Studio Client

Module element parameters, from an external module, could cause an exception in the service call or container editor if the selected external module is not included in an the entry point or an implementation module of the current project

When such an (invalid) module is selected, the module element selector will be disabled



In the data mapping editor in Encore, the expression fields in the match conditions would sometimes not report validations that would be logged later by the runtime. The validations on the individual expression fields are reported correctly, but the validations between the source and target are not reported.

We added the following validations to the data mapping editor in encore: 

  • Comparison between single and multivalued expressions (Warning)
  • Comparison between expressions with different types (Error)
  • Using non equality operator on expressions with entity instance type (Error)


The outbox publisher can cause deadlocks when the case engine is put under load.

Instead of the outbox publisher publishing all messages on every trigger, the publisher now only publishes the messages for a specific case. This not only makes it more efficient, but also vastly reduces the changes of a deadlock occurring (note that this change is never 0). Under significant load tests, deadlocks were no longer observed.



Encore could show expressions in decision tables outside of the cell if the row was at minimum height

The expressions in decision tables no longer extent into adjacent cells



Encore could show a badge containing a counter, where the count would be truncated and unreadable.

The counter badge now grows to accomodate larger counts.

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