You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 14.5 release.

Table of contents

Timeline SQL Store Component

We introduced a separate storage component for the timeline feature.

It's not required to make any changes to your configuration, unless your project contains custom code. In Blueriq 15, we will introduce breaking changes in configuration.

Runtime with custom code

If your project has extended the default Runtime to contain custom code and if your project depends on the trace-sql-store component to store and display timeline information, you need to add an additional dependency to your POM file:


Enable timeline, but disable trace

If your project uses the timeline, but it is not interested in trace logging in the database, you can disable storing trace data to save storage space:

  • In, replace trace-sql-store with timeline-sql-store.
  • In, replace the trace-sql-store part of the Trace Datasource properties with timeline-sql-store.

Future proof configuration

To properly separate your timeline and trace configuration:

  • In, replace trace-sql-store with timeline-sql-store and trace-sql-store-without-timeline.
  • In, duplicate the trace-sql-store part of the Trace Datasource properties and in the duplicate, replace trace-sql-store with timeline-sql-store.
  • If you created a new database for the timeline, initialize it with the database creation scripts that can be found in the dbscripts folder for sql-timeline-store. Don't forget to migrate existing timeline entries to the new database.

DCM Lists Component

If you are currently using the DCM Lists Client Component, please read the following instructions carefully.

Due to the changes in the DCM Lists Components, the configuration for DCM Lists Client Component has been split into two parts.

DCM Lists Client Component

For the DCM Lists Client Component the blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.rabbitmq.exchangeName property can be removed from the

DCM Lists Publisher Component

To enable the DCM Lists Publisher Component the profile dcm-lists-publisher needs to be added to the active profiles. More information on how to configure the application using Spring Profiles can be found here: External application configuration with Spring Profiles.

To configure the component, a file should be added to the configuration location containing the following properties: = yourrabbithost.local
blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.rabbitmq.port = 5672
blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.rabbitmq.username = yourRabbitUsername
blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.rabbitmq.password = yourRabbitPassword
blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.rabbitmq.virtualHost = /
blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.rabbitmq.exchangeName = processEvents

Where the exchangeName corresponds with the exchangeName that was removed earlier from the DCM Lists Client Component properties.

For custom projects, add the artifact with groupId com.blueriq and artifactId blueriq-component-dcm-lists-publisher as a dependency to your Blueriq runtime POM file if you need to depend on it.

API changes


In the following classes/interfaces:

  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.IPortalSession
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.process.Dcm1ProcessEnabledSession
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.process.Dcm2ProcessEnabledSession
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.process.NonInteractiveProcessEnabledSession
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.process.ProcessEnabledSession
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.session.PortalSession
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.portalmessage.PortalMessageSession

changed startFlow from public PortalResponse startFlow(String flowName, Map<String, String> parameters, boolean allowUnExposedFlows) to public PortalResponse startFlow(String flowName, Map<String, Serializable> parameters, boolean allowUnExposedFlows)

In com.aquima.interactions.portal.PortalMessageAction changed execute from public Map<String, String> execute(IPortalMessage message, IActionContext context) to public Map<String, Serializable> execute(IPortalMessage message, IActionContext context)

Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues.


  1. I think I would start with the message that it is not required to make any changes if you use trace and timeline without custom code. Then announce that this will change with R15 and document how you can set it up properly.

    After that, provide some guidelines for custom code.

    If you put headings for these sections I think it would be more clear.