You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


MVC UI is deprecated from Blueriq 11.0. The alternative for the MVC UI support is to only use the UI REST API endpoints.

Table of contents


Getting started

Blueriq provides an API for interacting with a Blueriq session and obtaining page changes, see UI REST API for documentation on all endpoints and their request/response bodies. This section describes the theming possibilities that may be used to let Blueriq serve a context-dependent page, configured according to the theme/language settings of e.g. shortcuts.

In essence, one can do with only the REST endpoints to interact with a Blueriq session. Doing so will no longer let Blueriq be in control of theme/language settings, so you would have to account for this yourself then.

Key benefits MVC UI

Modern web application architecture

  • Provides clean separation of concerns (SoC)

  • Easy integration with JavaScript frameworks

  • Enables the full control over the rendered HTML

  • Less server load

Better User experience

  • Single page
  • Partial updates
  • More responsive user experience
  • Easy integration with UI libraries
  • Responsive web design


The following guidelines are advised while developing a custom theme for the Blueriq MVC UI.

  • Single page oriented application design
    • Separate content in small relevant blocks of information, only deliver relevant and valuable content.
    • Use conditions to show only context relative information

  • Page model size constraints
    • A large page model can have significant impact on the performance of the frontend. It is especially advised that lists/tables, which have a large page model representation, are limited to 10-20 items per page.
    • The performance on mobile devices strongly differs per device, having a small page model is even more important here.

For information on how to setup your development environment when creating a custom MVC UI theme or plugin, see Creating a MVC UI theme.

  • No labels