You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






JAVA Runtime

CVE-2021-37714 was reported on the org.jsoup library which is used by the Runtime.

jsoup was updated to a newer version without the CVE.


In DCM 2.0, when you would throw a message event with a parameter that doesn't exist in the definition, this would not be logged, making it hard to debug your model.

We now write a log line on level INFO if there are any message event parameters present that are not in the definition.


When using DCM 2.0, throwing a message event with an expression that results in multiple values would result in an exception.

This has been fixed.


When merging two branches in Studio, the history screen may fail to show the merge revisions if they are committed within less time than the number of hours offset from UTC. This prevented the ability to actually merge, as you need to select a merge revision to complete the merge.

Revision dates are now consistently processed in UTC, enabling accurate filtering of revisions.


When the aggregate version attribute parameter was empty in a DCM_CaseCreate service call, an exception would occur.

This was fixed by ignoring the version attribute in the case engine if it was not set.


When using DCM 2.0, automatic tasks after completion of another task would be executed on the Case Engine instead of on the Runtime that was configured for Task Execution.

The task is now executed on the Runtime for Task Execution again.
Note: Automatic tasks that are the result of a message event or of a timer will still execute on the Case Engine. We are planning to address this in the near future.



Merging branches in Studio could fail when an element had been renamed.

The failure that occurred when renaming an element has been resolved, allowing the merge to succeed.


JAVA Runtime

The reverse proxy which is configured by default when using the Blueriq Installer, didn't pass the right headers for https to work.

Added the header to the reverse proxy configuration for IIS when installing Blueriq with the installer.


When the H2 console is enabled and the path to its properties directory contains spaces, property files may be saved in a directory where '%20' is used instead of real spaces

Replace '%20' by real spaces for the H2 console properties directory

In some cases boolean values where not shown properly due to casing differencesCasing for boolean values is now ignored in some places


JAVA Runtime

When performing a reload session/project in the development toolbar an error could be shown that an entity instance with a particular id could not be found (anymore)

All entity instances will be properly refreshed after a reload session/project is performed

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