You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


Replaces every occurrence of a string pattern within another string with a provided replacement string. The function is case-sensitive.


REPLACE pattern IN string WITH replacement
REPLACE ( pattern , string , replacement )

  • pattern - An attribute of base type string or a string value. String must be a valid regular expression. The regular expressions used in several Blueriq Studio functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.
  • string - An attribute of base type string or an expression that results in a string.
  • replacement - An attribute of base type string or an expression that results in a string.

Return type

  • string. If the pattern is not found, the original string is returned.


REPLACE ":" IN  "hello:world:example" WITH " ""hello world example"String
REPLACE ( "o" , "hello world" , "a" )"hella warld"String
REPLACE ( "O" , "hello world" , "a" )"hello world"String
REPLACE "\s" IN "hello world example" WITH """helloworldexample"String
REPLACE ( "\d{2}" , "hello1 world22 example333" , "@" )"hello1 world@ example@3"String
REPLACE ( "" , "hello world" , " " )" h e l l o   w o r l d "String
REPLACE "\s" IN "hello world example" WITH "\s""hello\sworld\sexample"String

The first argument is a pattern (regular expression) and can therefore contain specials like \s for a space. The second and third arguments are strings or expressions, so \s will result in \s.

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