You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

TSL anchor

TSL anchors are used to mark attributes or expressions to be interpreted as Text Substitution Language.

So if you want to use an attribute value in a text block, you insert the attribute at the position you want the value to appear and enclose it with Text Substitution Language anchors.

If you want to interpret an expression in a text block, place the expression between the TSL anchors.


[text] [[[expr]]] [text]


  • expr is an attribute or expression that you want interpreted by the Text Substitution Language
  • text is plain text

Note: You cannot ‘nest’ anchors. So [[[<expr1>[[[< expr2>]]]]]] will result in an error.


Suppose you want to create a welcoming message after a user has logged on to your application. Then you could create the following TSL message:

Welcome [[[user.first_name]]] [[[user.last_name]]]

When user John Doe logged in, the message shown in your application is: “Welcome John Doe”

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