You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 13.x release.

1. External Flow Container and Case Engine license

The following instructions only apply if you are currently using the External Flow Container or if you are planning on using the Case Engine.

Before updating to version 13.8, contact your customer success manager to request an updated license. After receiving the updated license, you either need to replace the license.aql file in your config folder (the spring.config.additional-location folder) or update the blueriq license property (blueriq.license in with the new value.

2. Deprecation of 'securityEnabled=true' property

the 'securityEnabled=true' property is not needed anymore for BAA(R)S and exposed functions anymore. Therefor it has been removed from code, and should also be deleted from the properties the project uses. Security is enabled by default when a role is set on the flow or webservice.

Table of contents

Known issues

For an overview of known issues please refer to: Known issues.

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