You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Rearranging the composition of a flow

You can change the composition of a flow in various ways. You can:

  • Change the object inside a flow node

  • Change the connectors between flow nodes

  • Add, remove and drag connector point in a flow

  • Change the location of a node and/or its exit in a flow

  • Change the size of a flow node

  • Change the icon of a flow node

  • Group flow nodes

Change the object inside a flow node

To change the object inside a node, click on the node. Using the drop down menu you can select the new object. Note that only objects of the corresponding type are shown.

Change the connectors between flow nodes

To change the endpoint of a connector from one node to another, hover over the endpoint and drag the link icon onto the new target node. You can also delete a connector by clicking the delete icon at the start of the connector.

Add, remove and drag connector point in a flow

You can add a point to a connector by double-clicking on it. Removing points from a connector is also done by double clicking on it. By dragging connector points you can change the visual shape of the connectors.

Change the location of a node and/or its exit in a flow

You can change the location of a node by dragging it to another spot on the canvas. The exit of a node can be relocated around the edges of the node by dragging it.

Change the size of a flow node

You can change the size of a node by hovering over the lower right corner. When the resize icon appears, dragging it will resize the node.

Change the icon of a flow node

Action nodes have an icon in their upper left corner that in default corresponds to their type. Because the shape of the node itself also reveals its type you can change the icon. Select or hover over the node and click on change icon on the right side of the node. Another way is selecting the node and clicking Change action type icon in the flow ribbon nodes tab.

Group flow nodes

Nodes together that can be seen as a sub flow can be grouped. Grouping is just a visual aid to clear up your flow. Select multiple nodes by holding down the ctrl-key and selecting the nodes or by dragging a rectangle around the nodes. In the upper right corner of the editor window a grouping icon appears. This icon can also be found in the Flow ribbon Groups tab. If you click on it a frame is shown around the grouped nodes. You can label this group by using the text field. Click on collapse group to hide the elements of the group. You can resize the group the same way you resize a node. To expand the group click the expand icon. Nodes can be ungrouped by clicking the ungroup icon.

Specialize a flow

In earlier versions of Blueriq Studio, flows could only be specialized as a whole. Starting with Blueriq Studio 7, elements within a flow can be specialized.

  • No labels