You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

It is important for organizations to know exactly what happened to their business processes. All decisions that the process engine takes are stored in the Trace Database. This means that years later, a business can inspect why certain decisions were made within the process. 

The following actions result in an automatically created entry in the trace database:

Action name
Task opened
A new instance of an ad-hoc task is created. If available, the decision that was made to open this task, is logged.
Task closed
An instance of an ad-hoc task is closed when the precondition will turn into FALSE. If available, the decision that was made to close this task, is logged.
Split nodes
A process has passed a split node and has taken one or more paths based on one or more decisions. The decision that was made, is logged.
Timer expired
When a timer event expires, the logic is stored as a decision. Both in sequence and ad-hoc.
Conditional event evaluates to TRUE
When a conditional event evaluates to TRUE, the logic is stored as a decision. Both in sequence and ad-hoc.

For each time a decision is stored the values listed below is stored.

  • Process name
  • Case ID
  • User ID
  • Node ID
  • Task ID
  • Decision graph

The decision graph is stored following the XSD specification for the Decision Model and Notation, as defined by the Object Management Group. This specification can be found here: OMG defines three levels of conformance. Blueriq follows conformance level 1. More details on how Blueriq uses the XSD schema can be found here: Creating an XML Decision Requirements Graph

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (m.schadd)

    Thanks, I updated the link.