You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Example projects are Blueriq models which demonstrate Blueriq functionality. They are included in the standard Blueriq library which is shipped with Blueriq. You can view, run and extend these projects by creating a new project and use an example project as a starting point.

The credit card application example is a small process for applying a credit card. This example demonstrates the:

  • Which Blueriq compontens are used in process modelling;
  • What does a simple datamapping looks like;
  • How to use privileges on processes;
  • How to use the dossier manager to store your application data.


In order to run the credit card application you need to create a user with the correct privileges in Blueriq runtime. In the runtime dashboard select “Settings/Authorization”. Click “Add” to create a new user, enter username, password and privileges (comma separated). Privileges for this example are CallCenter, CreditCardCenter and FinancialRisk.

(warning) Reset the server to enable the new user settings.

An example of users could be:

CCallCCallCallCenter, CreditCardCenter, FinancialRisk
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