You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

This feature is part of an ongoing effort to separate the process engine from the Runtime. As this feature is still in active development, it's not ready for use in production scenarios. Behavior and interfaces are subject to change.


The case engine will manage cases, case data and tasks. It will communicate with the Blueriq Runtime through asynchronous messaging and a Rest API. It was introduced in Blueriq 12.8.


  • By separating Case Engine responsibilities from Task implementations, it should be easier to scale Blueriq.
  • Move DCM application logic from Blueriq models to Java code, making it easier for Business Engineers to model DCM applications.

When to use?

For now, the Case Engine should only be enabled when you want to preview the feature, to get an idea of what it can offer. When using this component, a Blueriq project based on DCM Foundation is required. Some modifications should be made. An example of these modifications, as well as a version of DCM Foundation that has them, are available on request.


The Case Engine is disabled by default. To enable it, add the case-engine profile to

The Case Engine uses RabbitMQ to send and receive messages. Additionally, it uses MongoDB for case storage. The configuration required to connect these systems is described in the Case Engine Properties


The synchronous operations are protected with basic authentication. To specify the credentials required to log in to the Case Engine, create a user in with the case-engine role.
caseEngineUser = {bcrypt}$2y$04$sO5V1oh8Frvj.WbjSGotO.80p6h5uuK047lj0EUNMZEQ2vTjssD0m,case-engine

If you are using a different authentication provider, like LDAP, you can create a user in that provider instead of, as long as it has the proper role.


When using the installer, by default the Case Engine will not be enabled, nor configured. 

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