You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






The examples in the development-tools-v2 API documentation are missing

Corrected a mistake in the release process that prevented the examples from being generated


The IIS proxy used when Blueriq is installed through the installer, is blocking all URLs that contain a colon (':') in its path segment

Removed the colon from the list of illegal path characters


JAVA Runtime

When using the FlowOnRefresh container with a flow that contains services, the services can set a flag to block the flow. But this flag is incorrectly ignored, which means that the flow continues regardless if this flag is set or not.

Corrected to behavior so that when a service sets the flow blocked flag, the flow no longer continues in a FlowOnRefresh container.

BQ-11340RuntimeCVE-2020-8908 and CVE-2020-17521 were reported on the RuntimeThe affected library (Guava) was updated.


The IBAN Validation type introduced in Blueriq 9.0 is out-dated.

Updated the IBAN Validation type to the latest IBAN Registry Release 88 d.d. September 2020 from SWIFT.


Flow nodes that refer to a subflow that was not defined would only be reported as error when the flow node had a repeat expression.

The existence of a subflow is now always checked.


The case engine assumes datetime fields that can be parsed as Long values, but the values where actually of type String. Besides startTask this also affected throwMessageEvent

Change the JSON serialization for the case engine to serialize datetime and date fields to Long values, so the Runtime can parse the fields correctly later on.


JAVA Runtime

For a BAAS/BAARS/Function as webservice, when it is approached via a shortcut with the 'securityEnabled' property set to true, security would not always be enforced.

We strongly prefer setting a role in your webservice definition over the 'securityEnabled' property. If you encounter this problem, please see [

] for details on how to set roles.
When we detect a shortcut with the 'securityEnabled' property set, a warning is logged.


JAVA Runtime

When using the widget settings on the development dashboard an incorrect error was shown in the errorlog that the widgetsettings folder couldn't be created when it already existed.

No more error is printed for the widgetsettings when the folder already exist.



Upgrading or installing Blueriq the installers fails when installing services.

It is possible that some services are still left behind when uninstalling or upgrading Blueriq. We check for services that al left behind and remove them before installing the services.

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