You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.





CSD-3261Material themeWhen a multivalued domain field was provided with a 'Horizontal' style it was rendered with radio buttons, which doesn't suit the case. Also 'Vertical' was missing, only 'Radio' is described as a presentation style to present it in a vertical way, but is only suited for single valued domains,There are multiple ways to render a domain field. You can render it as a select box, a set of radio buttons or a set of checkboxes. If you need to select only one value from the domain, you can use the select box or the radio buttons. If you need to select multiple values from the domain, you can still use the (multivalued) select box, or the check boxes. With the current set of presentation styles you were unable to cover all these situations.
To solve this we introduced the AllOptionsVisible presentation style, which when applied to a domain field renders it as radio buttons or checkboxes instead of a select box. Whether radio buttons or checkboxes are rendered is determined by the number of values that need to be selected: single value -> radio buttons, multivalue -> checkboxes. By default, the AllOptionsVisible presentation style renders the options in a vertical way. If you want this to be horizontal, you can add the presentation style Horizontal. One exception to this is when a domain with only 2 values is rendered for a single value: in that case the radio buttons (because single value) are rendered horizontally, without needing to apply an extra presentation style.
Note that the existing presentation style Radio is deprecated in favor of the new presentation style AllOptionsVisible which can be used for both radio buttons and checkboxes.


DCM Lists Service

On JBoss, logging didn't work as expected.

Specific JBoss configuration was in the wrong folder in the WAR file. We moved the JBoss configuration to the proper folder, so JBoss can find the logging configuration now.


Material theme

In the Material theme, an ExpressionHasBeenCheckedAfterItWasCheckedError could be thrown upon loading a page.

The error no longer occurs, because we changed the order of the bq-loading and bq-project components on the page.

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