You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







When using a container of type AQ_TaskList, newly created tasks that would be sent to the task list as a server sent event update could not be started.

This problem has been fixed.

BQ-10429RuntimeCVE-2019-14900Resolved by upgrading Hibernate dependency.



In the Development Tools V2, an error would occur when there was a project present that has a branch name starting with a digit.

This has been resolved.



When upgrading Blueriq with the installer, the installation would end prematurely when the Mongo and/or Qpid services were still running. Running the installer a second time or manually stopping all blueriq related services would get Blueriq installed anyway.

This has been fixed, but the problem is expected to still occur when upgrading to 13.3, because the upgrade process partly relies on data that is left behind by the older installer. If you upgrade from 13.3 to a later Blueriq version (13.3.1+), the problem should be solved.


Development dashboard, Runtime

The HATEOAS Rest endpoints for the Development Tools V2 API and the Backend Rest API would contain a local hostname in the links they provide when the Runtime would be behind a reverse proxy.

The endpoints now provide links with the hostname, port and protocol from the reverse proxy server.



When upgrading Blueriq a message occurred that the Application Pool of Blueriq already existed, after a skip or rollback an invalid Blueriq installation was left.

When the installer now finds that the Application Pool of Blueriq already exists. The user is provided with the option to overwrite the old Application Pool of Blueriq. Doing so will result in a newly configured Application Pool and a valid Blueriq installation.  When performing a rollback the installation will be cancelled, but the old installation is already deleted

CSD-3344RuntimeNew target instances would not be created by a mapping, even if the 'no matching target instance'-action was set to 'Create new instance', this occurred when 'Do nothing' was chosen for the 'source matches target instance'-action.The behavior has been changed such that a new instance is created when no matching target instance exists.



In the Material theme, selecting/deselecting a radio button could require the user to first click somewhere else to trigger a refresh.

A refresh is now triggered immediately upon selecting/deselecting a radio button.

BQ-7365RuntimeStudio has the concept of a persistency id, which allows replacing tasks within a process. There are places in the runtime where this concept is not used, which can cause problems if a task has been renamed.Use the persistency id (= task node id) rather than the task name to retrieve task definitions, so even if the task was renamed the definition can still be retrieved.
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