You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






JAVA Runtime

CVE-2021-30468 was reported on the Apache CXF dependencies.

Apache CXF is upgraded to version 3.3.11 which is not vulnerable.


Customer Data Service

In CDS version line 3.x (included with BQ12, BQ13 and BQ14), Hibernate could generate a query pattern for limiting that could cause poor performance on aggregate list queries for Oracle 12c and higher.

We updated Hibernate to a newer version, which supports an alternative query pattern for limiting that does not have this performance penalty.



ReadWriteLock could grant incorrectly grant a lock in combination with thread interrupts

ReadWriteLock will now continue waiting if the thread is interrupted


JAVA Runtime

When using instance lists, the pagination text is always displayed in English, even when another language is used.

The pagination texts for instance list are now shown in the correct language. Please note that we introduced a navigation container in the instance list which replaces the old single field pagination. This might break existing MVC frontends. We introduced a legacy toggle which enables the old behavior.


JAVA Runtime

The Blueriq Runtime would not pick up the license configured in Blueriq Studio when using the Development Tools

The Blueriq Runtime will now pick up the license configured in Blueriq Studio again when using the Development Tools



Creating commits could spuriously fail under high load, especially during the SDF migration in which lots of revisions are created.

The occasional failure is now handled gracefully instead of failing the commit operation, allowing the revision to be created.


JAVA Runtime

CVE-2021-22112 was reported on spring-security artifacts used by Blueriq

This CVE does not apply to the artifacts used by Blueriq, but are falsely reported as affected. However, we decided to upgrade the libraries anyway so we do not get any false reports.


JAVA Runtime

When running in production mode, Material theme did not work with the default CSP headers configured in Blueriq.

We updated the default CSP headers configured in Blueriq to make the Material theme work out of the box in production mode.


JAVA Runtime

When triggering a validation in the instance linker by navigating away from the field using the TAB key, no error message is shown.

An error message will now be shown in all appropriate situations.


process engine

Acquiring a case lock could cause the entire case, including the case profile to be read from the database, which could result in a lot of unnecessary queries, giving a performance penalty.

We removed the need to read the case from the database after acquiring the lock and in this way we improved the performance of starting a task that has case locking enabled.



When installing Blueriq and IIS is not installed and error is thrown suggesting that IIS is already installed

The Blueriq installer messages have been clarified into separate messages that display if the software is not installed or if the software version is not compatible.

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