You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






CVE-2021-21295 was reported on the Netty dependency.

Netty has been upgraded to version 4.1.60.Final, which is not vulnerable.


An expression that returns a value list value would incorrectly report an error when the expression is assigned into an attribute that has an external value list.

The result of an expression is no longer validated against the value list of an attribute if the value list is external.


To support Redis, we made changes that could lead to a degraded performance in the retrieval of the entity definition and attribute definition for instances and attributes.

We have introduced caching of those variables. Also some redundant calls to the StringUtil.isEmpty(..) method have been removed.


The flowstarter also showed 'External' and 'Function' flows which can't be started in a browser.

Removed the 'External' and 'Function' flows from the flowstarter


When downloading a backup via either backup tool or the administation page, a request timeout can occur.

Added the option to set a --timeout parameter in the backup which can be configured in seconds. If the --timeout option is set to 0, the request will never timeout.
Added the option to set a requestTimeout property in the Administration Web.Config which is set to two minutes by default (which it used to be). The Administration Web.Config property has not infinite option, but you can set it to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807 which is the max allowed number.


Having an aggregate with a metadata field that uses an external value list constraint would prevent Studio unit test from executing.

An external value list in aggregate metadata is now ignored when running Studio unit tests.


When the COMPLETE_REMOVE flag is set to "true" during an uninstall of Blueriq some files are still left on the machine

Some files where marked as persistent and would never be removed during the uninstallation of Blueriq. This has been adjusted in order for the COMPLETE_REMOVE flag to work as intended.

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