You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







Several CVEs were found in the Runtime, Customer Data Service and DCM Lists Service.

The CVEs have been resolved by upgrading relevant libraries or marking them as false positive.



The Customer Data Service was affected by a bug in H2 version 1.4.200.

We downgraded H2 to version 1.4.197 for both the Runtime and the Customer Data Service.



When setting the In or Not In filter operator on a singlevalued attribute in the WorkList or CaseList container entry. A validation warning occurred when using an expression in filter that would result into a multivalued value. 

The generation of the validations messages have been altered that the cardinality of the used operator surpasses the cardinality of the selected attribute. This has been implemented for both the WorkList and CaseList container.


DCM Lists Service, JAVA Runtime

Runtime and DCM lists applications did not close RabbitMQ connections on shutdown, causing the applications to hang.

Added a method that explicitly closes the RabbitMQ connections on application shutdown.



Runtime startup performance could have regressed compared to Blueriq 12 if Studio contains a large number of repositories and branches.

The performance of retrieving projects in Studio has been improved to be on par with Blueriq 12. Additionally, memory usage has been reduced significantly.


JAVA Runtime

The links in the response of the Backend REST API didn't contain all arguments that were passed with the request.

If an optional argument is passed, this will be added to the links now. Note that if an optional argument isn't passed, it will be displayed in the link as a template variable (eg. {&sort} ), to inform clients that this argument is optional.

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