You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

The foundation contains a process with three phases, Message eventsTimer nodes, Process tasks , Adhoc Action nodes, Process condition nodes, Authorization algorithms.

Creation and initialization

An instance of the process is created when the process engine receives the message CreeerAanvraag. The process will then wait until it receives the message StartAanvraag or VerwijderProcesInstantie. This delay is needed to create the aggregates and link the process to these aggregates before starting the process. If the creation and linking of aggregates fails, the process can be deleted by sending the message VerwijderProcesInstantie. If the creation is successful the process can be started by sending the message StartAanvraag. After starting the process, an automatic task Initialisatie is executed. This task will ensure that the attributes are mapped to the process domain using the mapping DataMapping. After the initialization task the process is really started.


The process exists of the three phases Aanvragen (English: apply), Beoordelen (English: Decide) and Afronden (English: Complete).

Phase Aanvragen

This phase Aanvragen exists of two ad-hoc tasks and a condition node that contains a milestone. When this milestone is reached the phase will be finished.

Phase Beoordelen

This phase Beoordelen exists of two ad-hoc tasks, a condition node and a sub-process. When this milestone is reached the phase will be finished..

The sub-process exist of a task and a timer-triggered task. When the task AanbiedenExtraInformatie is not completed before a certain date the automatic task will be triggered.

Design pattern

The process above shows how a time critical task can be modeled in the process.

Phase Afronden

This phase Afronden exists of a task and a condition node. When this milestone is reached the phase will be finished.

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