
Incident number
Summary (problem description)
PUB-143Management service doesn't support project metadata in all versions.Now it is always available from 9.6 and up on.
PUB-144Publisher cannot save project metadata due to the missing @XmlRootElement annotation.This has been fixed.
PUB-145The publisher dependency checker identified CVE's in the third party libraries.All the vulnerabilities were addressed and resolved. Some of them were identified as false-positives, some were fixed by an upgrade/remove of the third party library. For further details and explanations, please check: Vulnerability Reports

Upgrade Instructions

When upgrading from version 4.0.0 there are no upgrade instructions. However if you are upgrading from version 3.0.x, please take a look at the Publisher 4.0 Upgrade Instructions.

3rd Party Libraries

There is also a page available which lists all the 3rd party libraries that are used in the Publisher. See for more information: Blueriq Publisher 4 libraries. For a list of all known vulnerabilities please view Vulnerability Reports