1. Platform support

With release 5.0.0 our platform support has changed:

  • Added support for JDK 17
  • Dropped support for JDK <17

2. Blueriq 15 support

With the 5.0.0 release of the BMA we now support (only) Blueriq 15 models. 

3. Compatibility Matrix

Since BMA 5.0.0 we do a comprehensive check if the BMA analyzes the same version datamodel as the Blueriq Studio and its exports. This means that BMA 5.0.0 for instance won't be able to read Blueriq 15.0 models because the data model changed from Blueriq 15.0 to 15.1. For a compatibility matrix please check :  Compatibility Matrix

4. Upgrade instructions

When upgrading the BMA please follow the General Upgrade Instructions.

5. Artifacts

The Blueriq artifacts are available under name: 5.0.0

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