
In Blueriq 14, we upgraded to Spring Framework 5.3. We noticed that for some URLs, a 500 was returned when Blueriq was deployed on JBoss, where the URL would be correctly handled in Blueriq 13 (with Spring Framework 5.2).

The problem is caused outside of the scope of Blueriq, so we cannot fix it ourselves.


The problem has been fixed in Undertow 2.2.6.Final, but versions of JBoss that include an older version of Undertow will be affected. That includes JBoss EAP 7.2 and JBoss EAP 7.3, that are currently supported platforms by Blueriq.

These URLs are affected, assuming that the context root of the Blueriq Runtime is 'runtime':

  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime
  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/server
  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/api/v1
  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/webservices


If, for some reason, you need to use one of the above URLs, you can circumvent the problem by adding an additional slash (/) to the URL:

  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/
  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/server/
  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/api/v1/
  • http://runtimehost:8080/runtime/webservices/

URLs that have one of the patterns mentioned above as a prefix will work normally.