Class ContainerTemplate

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ContainerTemplate extends ElementTemplate
Template that can be used to initialize a container definition.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

    • ContainerTemplate

      protected ContainerTemplate( report, ComposerTemplate composer, String name)
  • Method Details

    • getComposer

      protected ComposerTemplate getComposer()
    • getTypeName

      protected String getTypeName()
    • setTypeName

      public void setTypeName(String type)
      This method may be used to override the type of the container.
      type - the type of the container.
    • getDisplayText

      protected getDisplayText()
    • setDisplayText

      public void setDisplayText(String text)
      This method may be used to override the display text of the container.
      text - The display text of the container.
    • setDisplayText

      public void setDisplayText( text)
      This method may be used to override the display text of the container.
      text - The display text of the container.
    • setTypedParameters

      public void setTypedParameters(com.aquima.interactions.portal.ITypedParameters parameters, boolean allowEmpty)
      This method may be used to set all the typed parameters of the container at once.
      parameters - The parameters for the container.
    • addProperty

      public void addProperty(String key, String strValue)
      This method may be used to add a property to the container.
      key - The name of the property.
      strValue - The value of the property.
    • getProperties

      protected Map<String,String> getProperties()
    • addEventMapping

      public void addEventMapping(String containerEventName, String flowEventName)
      This method may be used to add a eventMapping to the container.
      containerEventName - the name of the event in the container
      flowEventName - the name of the event in the flow
    • addEventMapping

      public void addEventMapping(String containerEventName, String flowEventName, String... parameters)
    • getEventMappings

      protected Map<String,Object> getEventMappings()
    • addPortalEventMapping

      public void addPortalEventMapping(String portalEventName, String flowEventName)
      This method may be used to add a portal event mapping to the page.
      portalEventName - The name of the portalEvent.
      flowEventName - The name of the event in the flow.
    • getPortalEventMappings

      protected Map<String,String> getPortalEventMappings()
    • addParameter

      public void addParameter(String key, String strValue)
      This method may be used to add a parameter for the container.
      key - The name of the parameter.
      strValue - The value of the parameter.
    • getParameters

      protected ParametersTemplate getParameters()
    • setParameters

      public void setParameters( parameters)
      This method may be used to set all the parameters of the container at once. The parameters may contain only value parameters. See setTypedParameters(ITypedParameters, boolean) for using value/expression/reference parameters.
      parameters - The parameters for the container.
    • setParameters

      public void setParameters(ParametersTemplate parameters)
      This method may be used to set all the parameters of the container at once.
      parameters - The parameters for the container.
    • contents

      protected List<ElementReference> contents()
    • addAllowedRole

      public void addAllowedRole(String role)
      This method may be used to add a role that is allowed to view the container. *
      role - a role that is allowed to view the container.
    • getAllowedRoles

      protected List<String> getAllowedRoles()
    • addAllowedChannel

      public void addAllowedChannel(String channel)
      This method may be used to add a channel that is allowed to display the container.
      channel - a channel that is allowed to display the container.
    • getAllowedChannels

      protected List<String> getAllowedChannels()
    • addAsset

      public AssetReference addAsset(String name)
      This method may be used to add a asset to this container.
      name - The name of the asset that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addText

      public TextReference addText(String name)

      This method may be used to add a text to this container.


      This method can be used to add a reference to a "document" text object to the container, this is not an asset. To add a (TSL) asset, use the addAsset method.

      name - The name of the text that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addContent

      public ContentReference addContent(String name)

      This method may be used to add a content element to this container.


      This method can be used to add a reference to a "document" content object to the container, this is not an asset. To add a (TSL) asset, use the addAsset method.

      name - The name of the text that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addField

      public FieldReference addField(String name)
      This method may be used to add a field to this container.
      name - The name of the field that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addField

      public FieldReference addField(FieldTemplate field)
      This method may be used to add a field template to this container.
      field - The field template of the field that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addImage

      public ImageReference addImage(String name)
      This method may be used to add an image to this container.
      name - The name of the image that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addButton

      public ButtonReference addButton(String name)
      This method may be used to add a button to this container.
      name - The name of the button that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addContainer

      public ContainerReference addContainer(String name)
      This method may be used to add a container to this container.
      name - The name of the container that should be added.
      Template representing the reference to the added element.
    • addInlineContainer

      public ContainerReference addInlineContainer()
      This method may be used to add an inline container to this container.
      Container template representing the added container.
    • addReference

      public void addReference(ElementReference reference)
      This method may be used to directly add an element reference to an already defined element. warning: This method does not check if the reference is valid, so use with care.
      reference - The reference that should be added.
    • toDataSource

      public com.aquima.interactions.composer.ds.IContainerDS toDataSource()
      This method converts the template to a data source that can be used to initialize a container definition.
      a data source that can be used to initialize a container definition.
    • getExitEvents

      protected String[] getExitEvents()
    • setExitEvents

      public void setExitEvents(String... exitEvents)
      This method may be used to override the possible exit events for this container.
      exitEvents - The possible exit events.
    • toDynamicContainerDS

      public com.aquima.interactions.portal.ds.IContainerExpanderDS toDynamicContainerDS()
      This method returns the dynamic container datasource if this container is a dynamic container. If this container is no dynamic container, null will be returned.
      The dynamic container datasource, may be null.
    • isDynamic

      protected boolean isDynamic()
    • getContentStyle

      protected String getContentStyle()
    • setContentStyle

      public void setContentStyle(String contentStyle)
      This method may be used to set the content style of the container.
      contentStyle - The content style of the container.