public class FieldTemplate extends ElementTemplate
Template that can be used to initialize a field definition.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldTemplate

      protected FieldTemplate( report, AttributeTemplate attribute)
    • FieldTemplate

      protected FieldTemplate( report, String fieldName)
  • Method Details

    • setRequired

      public void setRequired(boolean isRequired)
      This method may be used to specify if the field is required to be filled by the client.
      isRequired - Boolean indicating if the field is required to be filled by the client.
    • getRequiredCondition

      protected String getRequiredCondition()
    • setRequiredCondition

      public void setRequiredCondition(String condition)
      This method may be used to override the required condition of the reference.
      condition - The required condition that should be used to determine if the field is required.
    • getQuestionText

      protected getQuestionText()
    • setQuestionText

      public void setQuestionText(String text)
      This method may be used to override the question text of the field.
      text - the question text of the field.
    • setQuestionText

      public void setQuestionText( text)
      This method may be used to override the question text of the field.
      text - the question text of the field.
    • getExplainText

      protected getExplainText()
    • setExplainText

      public void setExplainText( text)
      This method may be used to override the explain text of the field.
      text - the explain text of the field.
    • setExplainText

      public void setExplainText(String text)
      This method may be used to override the explain text of the field.
      text - the explain text of the field.
    • isMultivalue

      protected boolean isMultivalue()
    • getDataType

      protected getDataType()
    • addValidation

      public FieldValidationTemplate addValidation(String type)
      This method may be used to add a validation to the field.
      type - The type of the validation that should be added.
      Template representing the newly added validation.
    • getValidations

      protected List<FieldValidationTemplate> getValidations()
    • addPrimitiveParameter

      public GlobalParameterValueTemplate addPrimitiveParameter(String parameterName, primitiveType, String expression)
      This method can be used to add a primitive parameter value to this field. A global parameter with the given name should be defined in the project, should be of primitive type and the primitive data type should match the given data type.
      parameterName - the name of the primitive parameter
      primitiveType - the data type of the primitive parameter
      expression - the expression used to obtain the value (should evaluate to the given data type)
    • addTextParameter

      public GlobalParameterValueTemplate addTextParameter(String parameterName, String contentItem)
      This method can be used to add a text parameter value to this field. A global parameter with the given name should be defined in the project and should be of type text. A content item with the given name should also be defined in the composer.
      parameterName - the name of the parameter
      contentItem - the content item
    • getParameters

      protected List<GlobalParameterValueTemplate> getParameters()
    • toDataSource

      public com.aquima.interactions.composer.ds.IFieldDS toDataSource()
      This method converts the template to a data source that can be used to initialize a field definition.
      a data source that can be used to initialize a field definition.