You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

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Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 17.x release.

Table of contents


The implementation of the AQ_File_Move has changed.

Container Type

The container type has been updated.

  • The (required) Persistence parameter has been added to indicate whether the system should clean up the moved file at the end of the session/request.

To make use of this new parameter, you should update to the latest BlueriqBasicModelling Library version. After doing so, you should set the Persistence parameter on any AQ_File_Move service calls.

R17 export format

In release 17.1 we have created a new export format using XMLDSIG en XMLENC for singing and encrypting the exports. This resulted into a lot of changes in the SDK and the recreation of two separate export format.

R12 export removal

With the introduction of the R17 export format the SDK is no longer able to generate R12 exports and the supporting classes have been removed.

Removal of unused export fields

With introduction of the R17 export format we have removed fields from the datasources that where not used by Blueriq's own code. This mostly entails the removal of descriptions in datasources. 

Loading R12 exports

In release 17.1 when loading an R12 export a new warning log statement is printed, suggesting to recreate the export using release 17.1 or higher

SDK changes

Added packages

  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.communication.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.composer.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.dtree.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.flow.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.mapping.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.portal.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.xml.r17
  • Added package com.aquima.interactions.rule.ds.xml.r17

Renamed packages

  • com.aquima.interactions.communication.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.communication.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.composer.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.composer.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.flow.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.flow.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.dtree.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.dtree.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.mapping.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.mapping.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.portal.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.xml.r12
  • com.aquima.interactions.rule.ds.xml
    • moved classes and subpackages to com.aquima.interactions.rule.ds.xml.r12
    • moved classes and subpackages to

Removed R12 export classes

  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.ds.ApplicationExportDS
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.ds.IExportDS
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.ExportBuilder
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.ExportFileType
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.ExportInfo
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.ExportZipWriter
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.XmlExport
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.export.r12.XmlProjectMetaDataExport

Modified classes

  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.ChannelDS
    • Removed constructor: ChannelDS(
    • Removed method: getDescription()
    • Added constuctor: ChannelDS(
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.composite.PrefixedProjectDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.TeamDS
    • Removed constructor: TeamDS(
    • Removed method: getDescription()
    • Added constuctor: TeamDS(
  • com.aquima.interactions.ds.ThemeDS
    • Removed constructor: ThemeDS(
    • Removed method: getDescription()
    • Added constuctor: THemeDS(
  • com.aquima.interactions.flow.ds.IFlowDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.flow.IFlowDetails
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.flow.model.DefaultFlowDetails
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.flow.model.InternalFlow
    • Removed method: getDescription()
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.Channel
    • Removed constructor: Channel(
    • Removed method: getDescription()
    • Added constuctor: Channel(
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.ds.IAggregateDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.IAggregateDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.AggregateDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.Team
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.metamodel.Theme
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.ds.sys.flow.FlowDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.ds.sys.project.ProjectDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.ApplicationConfig
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.flow.FlowNode
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.IProcessEventDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.IProcessFlowDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.IProcessTypeDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.ds.IRouteringAlgorithmDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.impl.ProcessDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.impl.ProcessEventDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.impl.RouteringAlgorithmDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.IProcessDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.process.IProcessEventDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.delegate.ProjectDelegateDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IChannelDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IExpanderDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IProjectDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IRoleDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IServiceDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.ITeamDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IThemeDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.ds.IValidatorDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.IExpanderDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.impl.ExpanderDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.impl.Project
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.impl.Role
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.impl.ServiceDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.impl.ValidatorDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.IProject
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.IRole
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.IServiceDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.project.IValidatorDefinition
    • Removed method: getDescription()
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.rule.ds.IRuleGroupDS
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.rule.graph.RuleGroup
    • Removed method: getDescription()
  • com.aquima.interactions.rule.IRuleGroup
    • Removed method: getDescription()

Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues.

  • No labels