You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

This service call is part of the ongoing effort to support more DCM features natively in the Blueriq Runtime. Its signature and behavior may change over time. Please check release notes and upgrade instructions when using it.

This service call definition is part of the DCM library. It is only available when the case-engine-client profile is enabled.

This type of service is used to execute the active task. A task will be executed when a user starts a task using the worklist container, using the AQ_NextTasksForCase service or using a custom service. This service will only make use of a task ID which is stored on a default place.

The DCM_ExecuteTask has four default events which correspond with the four possible end results of the service.

  • Completed: An execute_task will get completed if the flow which is mapped on the task has been completed using a plain end-event. When a task has been completed, a data mapping is performed and the domain of the PE is inferred.
  • Abort: An execute_ task will get aborted when the flow which is mapped on the task is finished using a cancel end node. When a task is aborted the mapping and inference won't take place, the task which is aborted will get the status open again.
  • Denied: An execute_ task will get denied if the user opening it does not have the privileges to perform the task or the task is already started or finished. The task will not be started and no mapping and inference will take place.
  • Locked: An execute_ task will have the outcome locked if the task or case has been locked by another user. This only happens when 'Apply case locking' is TRUE. All tasks of the case will be locked when one task is started.



The task id of the task that should be executed.


NOTE: This service call type will only work in DCM 2.0 applications. For DCM 1.0 applications use AQ_ExecuteTask