
When working with a case management solution, the knowledge worker often wants to search for a case that he/she has worked on in the past, or that in some other way is interesting. When viewing a list of elements, there are multiple ways for searching for the correct information. One such way is to use filters on columns, i.e., using the metadata. Another way is to use a search field, this uses free-text search.

From applications such as Google we are used to be able to type certain keywords, and all relevant pages are shown, with the most relevant page on top. This knowledge article describes how you can search for information in the Blueriq runtime in a similar manner. It provides the preconditions, information on how to model your project, and technical guidelines for tweaking your application.

We have decided to deactivate Search in structured and unstructured information in version 10.1 to increase the speed of development of the persistence API.


When searching for information, only information that is persisted is taken into account. Data is persisted using Aggregates (for more information on aggregates see the Persistency Management guide). When modeling your domain, you often want to store information in different aggregates, and link these aggregates. See the left side of the diagram below. The topmost aggregate could be information that belongs to a case. The aggregate that is linked to it could be contact information of a person. This is stored separately in another aggregate, as it can be re-used in different cases. When searching using the name of a person, you may not only want to find the person aggregates that match, but also the cases that this person is involved in. So it would be nice if references between aggregates can be taken into account when searching. For documents that are relevant to information in an aggregate, the same principle holds. This leads to a structure of aggregates that reference other aggregates or documents. This structure is translated to index entries in the database that stores the aggregates. OracleText is able to use the index to find the most relevant entries.

The translation of model structures to index entries has some advantages over searching in each aggregate or document separately:

  • All relevant information in one entry results in good performance.
  • Allowing to search on display values of value lists without the need to consult the model.
    • Please notice that the display value is evaluated and stored at the moment of storing an aggregate. If you change the display value later, you have to re-index the database.

Please be aware that the search uses internal values. This means you should take extra care in what values your are using internally.
(e.g. 1 for Male and 2 for Female is not advised)


In order to be able to search for data you need to take care of the following points:

  • Obtain a license that includes search possibilities.
  • Setup an Oracle database so that OracleText can be used.
  • Enable search in
    • blueriq.customerdata-sql-store.fulltext=true
  • Define a connection to the Oracle database in the file
    • Example:

  • Define that documents will be indexed using this connection.
    • blueriq.customerdata-sql-store.supported-documents-connection=search_dev
  • Set the correct dialect for the Oracle database in or
    • Example: blueriq.hibernate.customerdata-sql-store.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect

Basic Modeling


In order to find information in aggregates that are referenced, it is of utmost importance to indicate which attributes in your domain are used for referring. When storing an aggregate, the runtime then knows that a reference to another aggregate was created when such an attribute is filled with a value. The same holds for documents.

A reference attribute to another aggregate is modeled as follows

A reference attribute to a document is modeled as follows

When attributes are set as reference, it is known at runtime when storing or updating an aggregate which other aggregates or documents hold importance to the stored aggregate. This also means that it is possible to hide a reference from the search by not checking the 'Acts as Reference' checkbox.

Aggregate list

The next step is to model an Container type: AQ_Aggregate_List container which displays your search results. In this container you select that type of aggregate that you want to see as a result. So if you are only interested in contact information, you would choose the aggregate that stores the contact information. If you want see aggregates that store case information you select that aggregate. You are still able to search for contact information if the contact information aggregate is referenced correctly (see above).

On the aggregate list you have to fill the Search Query parameter, using an expression. This is typically a string attribute that you placed on the same page with a refresh. The aggregate list could look like this:

Searching for your case

Technical Information

This section describes technical information and provides guidelines on how to make changes to the most common scenarios

I want to change the frequency of the indexing.How to configure full-text index synchronization
I want to maintain search performance over timeHow to maintain full-text search performance
I want to have a case-sensitive search.How to enable case-sensitive search with Oracle Text
I want that diacritics are treated as regular characters.How to configure diacritics in the full-text index
I want to search efficiently for dates.Dates are indexed in the ISO 8601 format
I do not want certain frequent words to be indexedHow to configure stopwords
What database permissions do I need?

In order to use full-text search in Oracle, the database user needs the following system privileges:

  • CREATE JOB (if synchronization at regular intervals is used)
How can I index aggregates that already exist?How can I (re-)index aggregates as an automatic batch operation?