You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

This type of service is used to determine if there is exactly one task available for the current user and the active case. If there is exactly one task available for the case that the user is working on, this task will be activated and the service exits via the OneTask event. You can start this activated task automatically using the AQ_ExecuteTask service, without explicit selection of the task by the user.

This service has 3 events:

  • One: the next task is available and is activated for the active case.
  • Multiple: when there are more than one tasks available for the active case.
  • None: when there is no task avaliable for the active case.



The case id for which you want to check wether there is a task.

Note: leaving the caseId parameter empty is deprecated for the current DCM implementation and no longer supported in DCM 2.0



true for DCM 2.0


The attribute in which you want to store the task id.

Note: leaving the taskId parameter empty is deprecated for the current DCM implementation and no longer supported in DCM 2.0



true for DCM 2.0

  • No labels


  1. Why is there still the limitation of only being able to retrieve a task ID if only one is available? Would make much more sense to be able to retrieve all available tasks (and task data).

    1. Same question as two years ago

      1. Unknown User (a.jansen)

        Hi Gerard Ohm, thanks for the reminder. A better place for asking questions would be, as apparently these comments are not noticed. But for now have also forwarded your question to the DCM product owner. 

      2. Hi Gerard, the AQ_NextTaskForCase is designed to work when tasks are relevant in-line. So when there is only one next step available, then this service could be used to start the (one only) next task. It indeed does not work when there are several different next steps possible. In what situation do you want to have task data of different tasks available in your profile (instead of the tasklist)? What do you want to do with this information?

  2. For now a workaround is to use the BackendAPI. All taskids and additional information like taskname can be retrieved for a caseid. You can then assign multiple tasks if that is what you want to do.