You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






Blueriq Model Mapper

Unknown relation values were not properly interpreted by the datamapping simulator end-point in the Runtime

Unknown relation values are now properly interpreted by the datamapping simulator end-point in the Runtime



For the AQ_File_Upload container only the error messages for 'invalid file extension' and 'invalid file size' where shown on the page when using Blueriq Material

Show all errors on the page


JAVA Runtime

Cancelling open tasks after reloading a DCM project fails when blueriq.processengine.cancel-started-tasks=true is set in the Blueriq properties

This is fixed

CSD-3443, CSD-2808

JAVA Runtime

Uploading a file with a file name larger than 100 characters, results in an error in the log but not on the page.

Blueriq 12, 13: The name column in the trace database has been updated to allow a name up to 255 characters and a validation message will be shown on the file upload container if the user exceeds this limit.
Blueriq 11: The name column in the trace database has been updated to allow a name up to 255 characters.



Due to a configuration error, the Blueriq installer (since 12.6) would not be digitally signed with our code signing certificate. This caused Windows to show 'unknown publisher' when the installer is executed.

This has been fixed for Blueriq 12 and 13, Blueriq 11 does not have this problem. The installer is digitally signed again and 'Blueriq BV' is now listed as the publisher.
Additionally, we don't use the deprecated SHA1 algorithm anymore for code signing (replaced with SHA-256) and the Studio XBAP's signature doesn't expire anymore once Blueriq's code signing certificate expires.

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