You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

It is possible to store a decision requirements graph in such a way that it follows the XSD of the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) specification.

The goal of storing a decision is that an organization can rebuild a model of the decisions that have been made by the runtime. By rebuilding these decisions with the actual values, organizations have insight how decisions are made. The meta model for the exchange of decisions according to the DMN specifications prescribes that each decision, each business knowledge model and each input variable is a separate DMN element.

The decision graph can be stored by using the AQ_StoreDecision service. The process engine stores decision graphs automatically when taking decision if the Trace plugin is installed. Please refer to this service for more detailed information. See also how to create an xml decision requirements graph. The created rule graph is stored as decisiongraph property (TRACE_PROPERTIES) in a zipped representation in the TRACE_PROPERTYVALUES table.

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