You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






JAVA Runtime

When a ProcessDataAccessException occurs there is no log of the exception that occurs.

The exception is now logged.


JAVA Runtime

Runtime does not start when both the externaldatasources profile is enabled, but the scheduler-quartz and case-engine profile are not

With the profile configuration as specified, the runtime starts normally.


JAVA Runtime

When using the AQ_InstanceCreate service, multi value relations that where previously unknown where rollbacked to an empty list instead of unknown.

Multi value relations that where unknown before transaction start are now rollbacked to unknown. The old behaviour of rolling back to an empty list can be enabled by setting the Legacy property blueriq.legacy.rollback-unknown-relation-to-empty-list in


JAVA Runtime

When BAAS/BAARS services would report an error to the client, this error would only be logged on DEBUG level in the log file.

Errors that are reported by BAAS/BAARS services are logged on ERROR level now.

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