You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Blueriq's dev plugin is marked as a Spring Profile called development-tools.

To enable the dev plugin one needs to configure Blueriq Runtime as follows:
- make sure contains:

  • --> this tells Blueriq to pick up the external configuration not from a config server but from the filesystem.
  • --> "native" is one of Spring's predefined profiles that needs to be configured to be able to load the config files from the local classpath or file system
  •${spring.config.location:.} --> this setting tells Blueriq where config files can be found

- add the spring profile called 'dev' to the configuration:

  •,development-tools --> this tell Blueriq to load the configuration that is specific for the dev plugin. The configuration itself can be found in

Run Blueriq from the command line or in a batch file as follows:

java -jar blueriq-web-standalone.jar,development-tools

In Eclipse:

- add the spring profile called dev to the VM arguments of the Run configuration:,development-tools

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (m.finnerud)

    is blueriq-web-standalone,jar = blueriq-runtime-standalone<versionnumber>.jar?