You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


In this screen you will find all two features that apply to either the complete Runtime environment or the complete dashboard. You can use Reload settings in order to force a complete refresh on all the properties. This is a heavy task for the server and affects all the other users of the server as well, use with caution!

Shortcuts properties

The Shortcut properties screen allows you to add, update and delete shortcuts to your liking.

You can create shortcuts for running a project with specific settings with a easy URL, for example localhost:95/server/start/mydevshortcut.

After adding, deleting or updating shortcuts use the Reload settings button in the General settings to get the new configuration in effect.

Reloading settings

Only newly added an updated properties are refreshed when using the Reload settings button. Deleted properties still remain active until the Runtime is restarted.

Runtime users properties 

The Runtime users properties screen allows you to edit your file. It has the functionality to add new Users all together or to update and delete them. 

If a User requires more Roles, e.q. the Blueriq Encore model has changed and you want to verify that the newly added Roles are being used, you can map those Roles to the Users and save it using the save button behind the User entry.

These settings will be saved in the file. After saving use the Reload settings button in the General settings to get the new configuration in effect.

Reloading settings

Only newly added an updated properties are refreshed when using the Reload settings button. Deleted properties still remain active until the Runtime is restarted.

Blueriq provides an out-of-the-box authentication and autorization mechanism for development / demo use only. Passwords are stored encrypted by default (this can be turned off) in the but make sure you adhere to the security policies in a production environment.